If you’ve recently been diagnosed with an asbestos-relate disease (mesothelioma, pleural thickening, asbestosis or lung cancer), were you aware that you may well be entitled to make a claim for compensation?
In the majority of instances, an asbestos-related disease is contracted as a result of occupational exposure to asbestos and, as such, is due to the negligence of an either former or current employer which means it’s possible to make a claim on their public liability insurance.
In order to take a look at the process of making a claim following a diagnosis in a little more depth. We recently caught up with UK asbestos claim specialists, Asbestos Advice Helpline.
Who Can Claim?
If you have been diagnosed with either Mesothelioma, Asbestosis, Asbestos-Related Lung Cancer or Pleural Thickening within the past three years and your exposure to asbestos was occupational, you’re likely to be able to make a claim.
In the event of the sufferer passing away either before a diagnosis (with the cause confirmed during a post mortem) or before a claim has been settled. It is usually possible for a family member to continue the claim and still receive at least a large proportion of the compensation.
Of course, the timing is of uttermost importance however and, as such, it’s suggested you speak with a specialist asbestos-related disease solicitor as soon as possible following a diagnosis to ensure you’re able to work within timeframes and get things underway as quickly as possible.
How Much Can Be Awarded?
How long is a piece of string? When it comes to awarding compensation for asbestos-related diseases, a whole number of factors are taken into consideration (as an example, a smoker may receive less compensation than a non-smoker as this can contribute towards the progression of the disease), however as a general rule:
Mesothelioma – rarely less than £60,000 and frequently settlements are £100,000 to £200,000 or more.
Lung Cancer – rarely less than £50,000 but usually less than mesothelioma .
Asbestosis – settlements are usually between £10,000 and £80,000 depending on the severity of the condition and whether on a provisional or final basis.
Diffuse Pleural Thickening – settlements are usually between £10,000 and £40,000 depending on the severity of the condition and whether on a provisional or final basis.
Of course, this can differ on a case by case basis. However should be seen as an average figure regarding what is likely to be awarded.
How Long Do Asbestos Claims Take?
In terms of how long does a case take to settle, again this can differ from case to case. There are cases which will be settled in a matter of weeks whilst others can take anything up to a couple of years or more. It all depends how complex the case is and how clear cut negligence on the part of an employer is.
On average, a claim can be settled in a matter of months, however.
All in all, if you or a close family member have been diagnosed with an asbestos-related disease. Take the time to speak with a specialist solicitor who will be able to advise based upon your own condition and circumstances what you may be able to receive.